Elementary (Kindergarten-5th Grade)

A physically active child is a healthy and mentally balanced student which enables learning retention and intelligence. Classrooms are designed for students to learn in a comfortable and luxurious environment with state of the art facilities. Our curriculum increases in complexity which reinforces previous learning with the understanding of the child's developmental ability. Teachers support each student to maximize individual growth for academic and leadership opportunities ahead. Our Kindergarten - 5th grade curriculum is centered around the United States Common Core Standards which is broken into two major components English Language Arts & Mathematics. In addition we offer History, Foreign Language, Science, Physical Education, Performing Arts, Music, Entrepreneurial/Leadership classes and Sports (Swimming, Soccer, Basketball, Tennis & Horseback riding).

Common Core English Language Arts Literacy/Writing As students advance through each grade, there is an increased level of complexity to what students are expected to read and write. There is also a progressive development of reading comprehension so that students can gain more from what they read. Students develop good habits for engaged reading and authentic writing. World knowledge is taught sequentially and systematically so students can focus on knowledge- based comprehension and analysis. Our program seeks to develop avid life long readers and writers. Phonics, Spelling, Grammar and Vocabulary are taught explicitly and within context hrough high impact reading lessons. The driving force of the reading and writing standards is logical arguments based on claims, solid reasoning, and relevant evidence. Writing also includes opinion writing even within the K–5 standards.

Speaking and Listening Although reading and writing are the expected components of an English language arts curriculum, standards are written so that students gain, evaluate, and present complex information, ideas, and evidence specifically through listening and speaking. There is also an emphasis on academic discussion in one-on-one, small-group, and whole-class settings, which can take place as formal presentations or informal discussions during student collaboration. The standards expect students to use formal English in their writing and speaking.Vocabulary instruction in the standards takes place through a mix of conversations, direct instruction, and reading so that students can determine word meanings and can expand their use of words and phrases. Through projects, songs and dramatic play students demonstrate communication skills and cross cultural competence. The study of the English language allows students to see the world through the eyes of others, thus learning empathy, respecting differences, and creating solidarity with local and global communities.

Art & Science The design process encourages students to think about a question, sketch a plan, test the model, and iterate to improve the original concept. This art and science collaboration provides a unique platform for students to be creative and analytical innovators. At the kindergarten level we explore plant science, movement and weather in easy -to- manage hands- on activities that promote student-led learning. In first grade we explore plants, animals, light, sound and astronomy as we captivate their inquisitive minds with engaging lessons and activities. Second graders represent the scientific world as learners explore survival materials and their uses and how earth’s features change over time. In third grade we promote data interpretation and analysis through the study of habitats, life cycles, traits, and forces of motion. In Fourth grade we study energy, earth's changing surface and waves in the weathering, eruption and deposition in shaping the earth's surface. In the fifth grade we analyze patterns in wave motion and how energy is transferred by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.

Social Studies The Social Studies Curriculum centers on what it means to be a responsible member of the community. Students move from a focus on self identity and celebrating similarities and differences to a focus on the local and international community. Students examine citizenship, history and geography through year long explorations of the African continent, American History and World Geography. The Curriculum highlights past civilizations and reflects on how those societies have impacted our modern culture, politics, social norms and institutions. Our social studies skills enhance critical thinking, socio-emotional development, pro- social skills, interpersonal interactions and information literacy. Our aim is to enable students to understand past and current events, participate in the community and make informed decisions about the world around them.

Common Core Mathematics The Common Core calls for greater focus in Mathematics. Rather than racing to cover many topics in a mile-wide, inch deep curriculum, the standards ask math teachers to significantly narrow and deepen the way time and energy is spent in the classroom. These standards pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills, fluency, and application with equal intensity. Students learn to be flexible in their computation and problem solving skills which helps them progress from intuitions and concrete operations to assertions and symbolic manipulations. Number sense is continually layered with new concepts and connected in exciting, real- world applications. Students hone their abilities in mental computation, reasoning and oral written communication as they examine and explain their thinking process. These standards allow students to learn deeply and widely while building a solid foundation for advanced study. Kindergartners are able to count and conceptualize counting . By 5th grade, students should understand the concept of volume and be able to relate it to the operations of multiplication and addition, as well as solve real-world problems. The biggest strength of the common core Math standards is its versatility, they overlap and complement each other to ensure students are confident in math skills.

The standards mandate that eight principles of mathematical practice be taught:
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and criticize the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.